Letter to Business Partners

Dear Valued Business Partners,

Recently there are some news about HOMA, such as cash flow difficulty, legal case sued by banks,freezing of bank account and freezing of stock rights, etc.

Some partners are asking us if there will be any impact on HOMA refrigeration business. Hereby we would like to make a clarification as below:

We, HOMA Appliances Co., Ltd, is an independent legal entity, located in Zhongshan, China. Our registered capital is 168 Million Yuan.

HOMA Holding Co., Ltd. is our controlling shareholder, which is listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange and with stock code SZ002668. Its registered capital is 1084 Million Yuan.

All above news are related to HOMA Holding Co., Ltd., not HOMAAppliances Co., Ltd.

None of the above facts have affected the management, operations and treasury of HOMA AppliancesCo., Ltd.

HOMA Appliances Co., Ltd. is separated from the controlling shareholder HOMA HoldingCo., Ltd. We are completely independent in operation and take full responsibilities for our business. Today our board of directors and top management team are still the core founding team of HOMA refrigeration business in 2002:

MR SHIER CAI                Chairman of Board   2002-2018

MR DAVID WANG        Director of Board & CEO   2002-2018

MR MICHAEL YAO        Director of Board & VP Sales   2002-2018

MR SIMON WU             Director of Board & VP R&D  2002-2018

MR JIANQUAN CAI        Director of Board   2002-2018

MR JUNCHAO ZHANG   Supervisor of Board   2002-2018

Nowadays we have 8500 employees and 7 factories. The 2017 financial report shows the total assets of our company are 4.99 billion Yuan, the net assets are 2.34 billion Yuan,the turnover is 6.2 billion Yuan and the net profit is 320 million Yuan. Since the establishment, we have maintained a rapid growth and built a very good reputation in refrigerator industry. From 2002 to 2017, we have maintained an annual growth rate of double-digit both in sales revenue and net profit.

In 2017, we sold 8.8 million pcs refrigerator and freezer to global market. From 2009 to 2017, we have been the No. 1 refrigerator  exporter in China for consecutive 9 years and we are the largest refrigerator ODM producer in the world. Till now after into 2018, our company are still keeping rapid growth. Our turnover is 5.26 billion Yuan and net profit is 271 million Yuan in Q1-Q3, 2018. All other financial figures are in healthy condition, and cash flow is abundant.

Today our controlling shareholder HOMA Holding Co., Ltd is a pure financial investment company, which has invested 2 major business sectors- refrigeration business and internet finance business. Refrigerator business is operated in HOMA refrigerator Co.,Ltd., and internet finance business is operated in ZHONGRONGJIN Co., Ltd. The related company structure and relationship are as below.


002668 Shenzhen Stock Exchange

100%                                                   100%

HOMAAppliances Co., Ltd. ZHONGRONGJIN Co., Ltd

RefrigerationBusiness                        Internet Finance Business

Above cash flow difficulty,lawsuit, bank account freezing and stock rights freezing are only related to HOMA Holding Co., Ltd. & ZHONGRONGJIN Co., Ltd.

We, HOMA Appliances Co., Ltd. is totally not involved. Your understanding is highly appreciated.

If you have any doubt, please feel free to contact us directly. We are ready to provide you our audited 2017 financial report and 2018 Q1-Q3 financial report to release your concern.

Our growth depends on the long-term business relationship with our business partners. Taking this opportunity, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your support and trust on us.

Best wishes,

David Wang

CEO & President

HOMA Appliances Co., Ltd.




我司,广东奥马冰箱有限公司(HomaAppliances Co., Ltd,以下简称“奥马冰箱”),注册成立于广东省中山市南头镇,为独立运营之法人实体。公司注册资本金1.68 亿元。

我司控股股东,广东奥马电器股份有限公司(Homa Holding Co., Ltd,以下简称“奥马电器”),系深交所上市企业,股票代码002668。公司注册资本金10.84元。


作为奥马电器的全资子公司,奥马冰箱一直与控股股东实行人员、资产、财务分开;机构、业务、管理独立;各自独立核算,独立承担责任和险。我司目前法人代表、董事会、监事会、高管团队均为2002 年公司成立时核心创始团队成员:

董事长兼法人代表蔡拾贰先生 2002-2018

总裁兼董事王济云先生 (2002-2018

副总裁兼董事吴世庆先生 (2002-2018

副总裁兼董事姚友军先生 (2002-2018



我司目前拥有在册员工8500 人和7大制造基地。经专业会计师审核的2017 年报显示,我司总资产49.9 亿元,净资产23.4 亿元,营业收入为62.0 亿元,税后净利润为3.2 亿元。自成立以来,我司业绩一直保持快速增长,在冰箱行业拥有良好声誉。2002-2017 年,我司连续15 年营业收入、净利润保持两位数的增长。

我司2017 年销售冰箱和冷柜共880 万台。2009-2017 年连续9 年为中国冰箱出口冠军。目前我司已成为全球最大的冰箱出口企业。2018年前三季度财务报表显示,奥马冰箱继续实现了稳健的增长,营业收入52.6亿元,税后净利润2.7亿人民币。所有的财务数据均表明目前我司业务状况良好,运营健康,现金流充裕。

此外补充说明,我司控股股东奥马电器旗下有冰箱和互联网金融两大业务模块。冰箱运营主体为我司,广东奥马冰箱有限公司。互联网金融运营主体为中融金(北京)科技有限公司。钱包金融为中融金旗下子公司钱包网金(平潭)科技有限公司运营的互联网P2P 平台。上述所载各法人实体相互关系如下表:



100%                                                   100%

广东奥马冰箱有限公司 中融金(北京)科技有限公司

冰箱运营主体                                              互联网金融运营主体






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